4 Kommentare zu „Spaßbremse“

  1. That’s even bet­ter! Maybe I should sug­gest this to the fishing club that watch over that lake in Rüs­sels­heim. But I won’t com­plain: Taking a careful walk seems to be allo­wed, both in Picke­ring and over here ;-) – Thank you for dra­wing my atten­tion to the very inte­res­t­ing „Dod­ge­ville“ blog!

  2. Now its a little hard for me to really under­stand this pos­ting, but in Eng­lish we have a say­ing that a place has really „gone to the dogs“. Seems appro­priate to this No-Fun Allo­wed Zone?

  3. Well, sort of. Those respon­si­ble have tried almost ever­y­thing to pro­tect the lake and its sur­roun­dings, and that has tur­ned the place into a no-fun allo­wed zone. But it is a con­flict of inte­rests: The prio­ri­ties of the fishing club are not iden­ti­cal to those of the others who would like to use that area for recrea­tion pur­po­ses. – I have just noti­ced severe short­co­mings in my Eng­lish know­ledge but I hope you got what I ment ;-)

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