Von A.C. bis Zinco

Von A.C. bis Zinco

Albert.—A popu­lar small size of pri­vate note paper, 6 by 3⅞ in. when folded to fly sheet, prin­ci­pally pre­fer­red for ladies‘ uses despite its mas­cu­line description.

Ele­phant.—A size of paper, 23 in. by 28 in., used occa­sio­nally in car­tridge paper and paper han­gings. It is sup­po­sed to derive its name from the fact that it origi­nally con­tai­ned a water­mark of an ele­phant, but there is not much evi­dence to sup­port this theory.

Von A.C. bis Zinco

H., H.B., H.H. etc.—Abbre­via­ted descrip­ti­ons applied to black­lead pen­cils. H. signi­fies hard, and the exact degree of hard­ness is fur­ther spe­ci­fied by the num­ber of H’s., thus one H. would repre­sent a merely hard pen­cil while 6H would cor­re­spond to about the maxi­mum degree of hard­ness. H.B. deno­tes hard and black, while fur­ther degrees of soft­ness and black­ness are spe­ci­fied by the num­ber of B.’s. Thus, while B. repres­ents a soft black pen­cil, B.B. would indi­cate a fur­ther degree of softness.

Von A.C. bis Zinco

Music Paper.—A class of high qua­lity prin­ting paper of stan­dard size made with spe­cial con­side­ra­tion to thic­k­ness, sur­face, flat­ness and fle­xi­bi­lity. The cor­rect way of grain for ope­ning easily and not cur­ling is important.

Pro­pel­ling Pen­cils.—The type of pocket pen­cil which car­ries a slen­der lead in a tube and which has a screw of simi­lar mecha­nism for the pur­pose of pro­pel­ling the lead point up for wri­ting or down into the case for safety.

Von A.C. bis Zinco

Style.—From “stylus”, the imple­ment with which the early Egyp­ti­ans incised their his­to­ri­cal records or bees­wax tablets, the incis­i­ons being after­wards fil­led in with ear­thy colour for distinc­tion, effect and endu­rance. The modern “style” is a short blunt pen­cil with a bone or agate point, and is used for wri­ting on mani­fold dupli­ca­tes where two-sided car­bon bet­ween the lea­ves pro­du­ces a dou­ble copy. The leaf on which the style is used is thin mani­fold, the trans­pa­rency of which per­mits the car­bon impres­sion to show through cle­arly from the back.

Von A.C. bis Zinco

Water­line Ruling.—A method of ruling employed when the lines are requi­red to be barely visi­ble, as in occa­sio­nal note paper and for­eign bank­post orders. The ruling ink is thin­ned down for the pur­pose of a mere tint. Water­li­ning is also accom­plished by the paper­ma­ker in the manu­fac­ture of brief fool­scaps and other legal forms by embo­dy­ing the pat­tern as a water­mark. Mainly this method is employed in the pro­duc­tion of hand-made papers, in which case the wire­mould in which the sheets are for­med con­ta­ins the water­line pat­tern in relief. The impres­sion of the rai­sed wires on the moist pulp crea­tes the neces­sary watermark.

Von A.C. bis Zinco

Harry A. Mad­dox: A Dic­tion­ary of Sta­tio­nery. J. Whita­ker and Sons, Ltd, Lon­don. 2. überar­beitete Auf­lage 1942, Nach­druck 1946. Gedruckt in Eng­land von Unwin Brot­hers Limi­ted, Lon­don and Woking. 10,5 × 16,5 cm, 124 Sei­ten. Ehe­ma­li­ges Bibliotheks-Exemplar. – Der Blei­stift im ers­ten Bild ist ein Wolff’s Royal Sove­reign 5151 HB, her­ge­stellt in Pon­ty­clun, Gla­morgan (Wales).

9 Kommentare zu „Von A.C. bis Zinco“

  1. Das Buch ist ja aus Pres­ton‽ Wenn das mal nicht ein Inter­ro­bang wert ist… Har­ris, nach dem die Bue­che­rei benannt ist, hat auch die Insti­tu­tion gegruen­det, die im Laufe der Zeit zu mei­nem jet­zi­gen Arbeit­ge­ber wurde…

  2. Das hat mich auch über­rascht, wusste ich doch, dass Du dort wohnst (die Details zu Har­ris kannte ich indes nicht). Ja, die­ser Zufall ist wirk­lich ein ‽ wert!

  3. Sta­tio­nery Traf­fic: Old library stock can be appe­al­ing – all the stamps, signa­tures and other marks show the book’s usage history.

    Sean: You’re wel­come! Of course I haven’t cho­sen the music paper entry by chance ;-)

  4. Ein wun­der­ba­res Buch, sehr inter­es­sant. Schließ­lich kön­nen wir eine ein­leuch­tende Erklä­rung für Aus­drü­cke wie „blue laid“ usw. haben..;-)
    Die Fotos sind sehr geschmack­voll auch.. Rot und Schwartz.

  5. In der Tat – die­ses Büch­lein beant­wor­tet einige Fra­gen, die zu stel­len ich bis­her ver­säumt habe ;-) Ich frage mich, ob es etwas Der­ar­ti­ges auch mal in Deutsch gab.

    Es freut mich, dass Dir die Bil­der gefallen!

  6. I agree the old library stock can be appe­al­ing, but newer ex-library stock is less so, in my expe­ri­ence. It’s usually been entom­bed in some kind of pla­s­tic back­ing which ine­vi­ta­bly yel­lows and/or peels, and tends to have a lot of prin­ted sti­ckers rather than stamps inside.

  7. You’re right – I have also seen num­e­rous old books which were with­drawn and offe­red for sale at our local library but had an ugly pla­s­tic back­ing that came off. Howe­ver, it doesn’t have to be so since there are pro­tec­tion films of excel­lent qua­lity available like fil­mo­lux from Neschen. – The sti­ckers are ter­ri­ble because in most cases their adhe­sive has dis­in­te­gra­ted and turns into goo on the first cont­act with solvent.

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