Was macht’s

Was macht's

(zum Ver­grö­ßern anklicken)

Als der Bau­meis­ter Gott­hilf Lud­wig Möckel (1938–1915) in Bad Doberan tätig war und dort u. a. das Müns­ter restau­rierte, baute er sich in den Jah­ren 1886 bis 1888 im Klos­ter­be­zirk ein Wohn­haus. An dem Bau in neo­go­ti­scher Back­stein­ar­chi­tek­tur, der heute das Stadt- und Bäder­mu­seum beher­bergt, hat es mir vor allem die Inschrift an der West­seite angetan:

Der Eine betracht’s
Der Andre verlacht’s
Der Dritte veracht’s
Was macht’s

Mir gefällt diese Einstellung.

Anm.: Dies ist der 1000. Bei­trag in die­sem Weblog.

7 Kommentare zu „Was macht’s“

  1. Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on your thousandth post, Gun­ther. And heres’s to many more.

    Google Trans­late turns the inscrip­tion to gib­be­rish. I found a trans­la­tion online:

    The one’s contemplative.
    The other laughs at it.
    The third des­pi­ses it.
    What does it matter?

    Is this a riddle whose solu­tion I just can­not figure out?

  2. I just ans­we­red my own ques­tion with the help of Google Books: it’s an inscrip­tion addres­sed to would-be cri­tics of the architect’s work. „It“ is the buil­ding its­elf. I’m gues­sing that must be obvious to anyone fami­liar with tra­di­ti­ons of Ger­man architecture.

  3. Ste­phen and Michael, thank you for your congratulations!

    Michael: Google Trans­late is cor­rect with the second and third line. Howe­ver, I’d trans­late the inscrip­tion as follows:

    One looks at it [or: One obser­ves it]
    The other laughs at it
    The third des­pi­ses it
    Who cares?

    To me, it’s an expres­sion of self-confidence and obsti­nacy, with the lat­ter in the sense of reso­lu­ten­ess or self-will.

  4. Michael, your second com­ment came in while I was typ­ing mine. This inter­pre­ta­tion is new to me but it sounds plau­si­ble. Unfort­u­na­tely I am not too fami­liar with Ger­man archi­tec­ture so I haven’t thought of „it“ as the building.

    Thank you very much for your post „Lexi­ka­li­ker at 1,000“ in your blog!

  5. Michael, thank you for your rese­arch and for sha­ring your fin­dings on your blog! I haven’t heard of this kind of deal­ing with archi­tec­tu­ral cri­ti­cism in Ger­many before (and it even goes back to at least the 14th cen­tury). At first I have seen it only as an expres­sion of the builder’s gene­ral attidude.

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