5 Kommentare zu „Entdecke die Möglichkeiten“

  1. Sta­tio­nery Traf­fic and Palim­psest, thank you for your comments.

    The folks at the NHS seem to be quite crea­tive! – It is indeed a cool find of my rea­der Max, and I am happy that he had shared that infor­ma­tion. To be honest, the BMJ doesn’t belong to my pre­fer­red literature ;-)

  2. Thanks for pos­ting this, Gun­ther. There is a tra­di­tion of peo­ple fin­ding crea­tive ways of saving money in the NHS, which his­to­ri­cally has had to work under tight budgets.

    Plus, I never knew that gra­phite pen­cil is the best way to mark human bone. (A piece of infor­ma­tion I have no inten­tion of using!)

  3. My plea­sure! This tra­di­tion of crea­ti­vity is some­thing spe­cial ;-) I was supri­sed about that aspect of gra­phite too; howe­ver, I was aware of its resis­tance against water and sunlight.

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