

Stef­fen­s­ha­gen (Mecklenburg-​Vorpommern), Blick nach Osten am 31. Juli 2013 um 19 Uhr

6 Kommentare zu „Wolken“

  1. A beau­tiful sky­scape. I don’t think I even knew the sky could have such depth until I moved to the Ame­ri­can midwest.

    Gun­ther, is that you by the sign in the most recent post?

  2. Michael Leddy: The depth is indeed ama­zing, and I haven’t seen some­thing like this before. In the region where I live we don’t have such beau­tiful views so our vaca­tion near the coast of the bal­tic sea was really mar­vell­ous (not only in this regard). – Yes, that’s me by the sign.

    Sean: See­ing this was a very spe­cial expe­ri­ence, and after taking the photo I stood still and wat­ched, try­ing to grasp the view and the atmo­sphere with all my sen­ses. Later that evening, my part­ner and her two boys where obser­ving two deers in the grainfield.

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