

Baron Hen­drik Hop, gebo­ren 1723, lebte um 1800 in Den Haag und mochte Kaf­fee sehr. Der Legende nach ließ er eines Abends sei­nen Kaf­fee mit Zucker und Sahne auf dem Ofen ste­hen und fand diese Mischung am nächs­ten Mor­gen als Kara­mel wie­der. Ange­tan vom Geschmack die­ses Zufalls­produkts und von sei­nem Arzt auf­ge­for­dert, kei­nen Kaf­fee mehr zu trin­ken, bat er sei­nen Nach­barn, einen Kon­di­tor, Bon­bons die­ser Art zu machen. So ent­stand die heute als „Haag­sche Hop­jes“ bekannte Süßig­keit. An deren Braun­ton lehnt sich die Tinte „Hop­jes­b­ruin“ des eben­falls in Den Haag ansäs­si­gen Anbie­ters P.W. Akker­man an, und durch die Geschichte der Hop­jes habe ich an die­ser Tinte1 noch mehr Freude.

Danke an Wow­ter für die lecke­ren Haag­sche Hopjes!

  1. Hier im Pilot Legno 89s.

2 Kommentare zu „Hopjesbruin“

  1. Great story! I am glad you like them. You are more than wel­come. The more you know about these Hop­jes, the more they fasci­nate. I used to eat them at my grandmother’s. Not fami­liar with cof­fee that was a first expe­ri­ence with the brown fluid/​substance. After the inven­tion by Baron Hen­drik Hop there were many back­ery stores pro­du­cing them locally in The Hague. It was Rade­ma­ker that intro­du­ced the spe­cial, these days arche­ty­pi­cal paper wrap­ping. Later, two brot­hers in the com­pany became angry with one ano­ther. Simi­lar to the Dassler-​family. So there were even two com­pa­nies pro­du­cing them. The pro­duc­tion of the this most popu­lar brand Hop­jes: Rade­ma­ker, was often trans­fer­red. From Sneek to Breda and finally after the take-​over by Swe­dish mul­ti­na­tio­nal Cloetta the city of Cre­mona in Italy is the source for Rade­ma­ker Hop­jes. Thus Made in EU! Well Italy being famous for the cof­fee cul­ture might have even impro­ved the taste. Indulge yourself!

  2. Wow­ter, thank you for these details and – again – for the Hop­jes :-) So the most popu­lar maker of these sweets has an inte­res­t­ing history too. – I like the spe­cial wrap­ping and the design of the pack­a­ging. Both are great!

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