6 Kommentare zu „Im Wald“

  1. I’m no dog expert, but I think riding on his back in this man­ner might fati­gue him unnecessarily. :)

    Great photo!

  2. I think your Kisho is one of the most beau­tiful dogs I’ve ever seen – and that is say­ing a lot coming from a cat per­son! (Alt­hough I love all ani­mals – and I love how much you obviously love your Kisho.) Can I also say how much I love your blog? I live in South Africa and unfort­u­na­tely I don’t have access to all the pen­cil brands that you demons­trate, but a girl can dream nevert­hel­ess. It was your blog that got me inte­res­ted in pen­cils again, and now I don’t write with any­thing else. My favou­rite are the German-​made pen­cils (of course) – Faber Cas­tell and Staedt­ler. Your pho­tos of pen­cils are fan­ta­stic, and I par­ti­cu­larly enjoy see­ing the vin­tage adverts. I’ve prin­ted and kept many of the pic­tures of the adverts and pen­cils, and check your blog daily to see if you (and Kisho) had added ano­ther post. It’s a won­derful blog. Please keep it up!

  3. Lara, thank you very much for your kind words! I am very happy to hear that you enjoy my blog, and I’ll do my best to keep it up. It is always a plea­sure to hear from rea­ders who share my pas­sion, and that you also enjoy the pho­tos of Kisho makes me even hap­pier. Thank you also for the com­pli­ments regar­ding my pho­tos – I hope that you will be plea­sed in the future too!

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