3 Kommentare zu „Sonntag“

  1. Gun­ther, you could create a sequel to Robert Siod­mark and Edgar G. Ulmer’s Men­schen am Sonn­tag: Hunde am Sonn­tag.

    These are beau­tiful pho­to­graphs of beau­tiful animals.

  2. Gun­ther, I am going to join you very soon in the rank of happy dog-​owners! Alt­hough I don’t know if ours is ever going to be a match for noble Kisho. I’ll keep you posted :)

  3. Thank you, Michael! I am happy to hear that you enjoy it. – Hunde am Sonn­tag is a great idea!

    Sola, this is great news! I am sure that you all will enjoy the new mem­ber of the family :-) Yes, please keep me posted!

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