Rank und schlank

Aus einem alten Sor­ti­ments­kar­ton des Her­stel­lers J.J. Reh­bach: Einige runde, sehr dünne Blei­stifte mit unge­wöhn­li­chen Kapseln.

Rank und schlank

Mit Län­gen zwi­schen 12 und gut 15 cm und Durch­mes­sern von 3,5 bis 4,6 mm tei­len sie mit den Blei­stif­ten aktu­el­ler Pro­duk­tion ledig­lich die Dicke der Mine.

Rank und schlank

Kei­nes der Stü­cke ist gekenn­zeich­net, und die Qua­li­tät von Mate­rial sowie Ver­ar­bei­tung streut stark.

Rank und schlank

Meine Infor­ma­tio­nen zu die­sen Blei­stif­ten sind noch dün­ner als die Stifte sel­ber, denn ich kenne weder ihr Alter noch ihren Zweck. Die Öse lässt ver­mu­ten, dass diese Blei­stifte dazu gedacht waren, irgendwo ange­bracht zu wer­den. Han­delt es sich mög­li­cher­weise um die im eng­lisch­spra­chi­gen Raum als „dance card pen­cils“ bekann­ten Stifte? Exem­plare wie die­ses sprä­chen dafür. – Eine offi­zi­elle deutsch­spra­chige Bezeich­nung für diese spe­zi­el­len Schrei­ber habe ich lei­der nicht parat („Tanz­kar­ten­blei­stifte“ läge da wohl nahe).

Rank und schlank

Kann viel­leicht meine geschätzte Leser­schaft etwas zu die­sen unüb­lich pro­por­tio­nier­ten Stif­ten sagen?

Rank und schlank

11 Kommentare zu „Rank und schlank“

  1. Pingback: Julie Paradise — Tanzkartenbleistifte?

  2. Soweit ich weiss han­delt es sich bei die­sen Blei­stif­ten meis­tens um Tagebuch-​Bleistifte. Ich habe einen mit dem Namen MEMORANDUM. Ein ande­rer Stift in mei­ner Samm­lung traet den Namen „Flag-​Pencil“ was damit gemeint ist weiss ich aber nicht. Bei ande­ren habe ich eine Ver­brei­te­rung am Metall­teil gese­hen. Das ver­hin­dert dann wohl das her­aus­rut­schen des Stifts aus der Lederöhse.

  3. Das könnte gut sein,doch dann müsste der Platz für den Stift unten geschlos­sen sein, damit er sicher gehal­ten wird.

    Stimmt, diese Ver­brei­te­rung an der sog. Tel­ler­kap­sel soll das Her­aus­rut­schen ver­hin­dern (hier gibt es zwei Exem­plare mit einer sol­chen Kap­sel zu sehen, dar­un­ter auch einen mit dem Namen „Memo­ran­dum“).

    Von wel­chem Her­stel­ler stammt denn der „Flag-​Pencil“?

  4. Danke für die Infor­ma­tion – auf das Bild bin ich gespannt.

    Ihre Web­site, auf der ich mich schon einige Male mit Freude umge­se­hen habe, ist sehr inter­es­sant! Danke für die Mühe, die Sie sich damit machen.

  5. Over in Eng­land, there have been three tra­di­tio­nal uses for thin pen­cils such as these. They are typi­cally 60-​70% of the dia­me­ter of a nor­mal pencil.

    The three uses are:

    i. as the article sug­gests, dance card pen­cils -or-
    ii. bridge pen­cils used for scoring in the card game bridge.
    iii. Spine housed diary/​address book pencil

    Spine housed pen­cils in address books would be of a simi­lar dia­me­ter but sub­stan­ti­ally shorter (maybe 6cm in length to fit easily into a small address book). These pen­cils seem too long for a pocket diary pencil.

    Loo­king at the pen­cils, I would say that the pen­cils with the metal loop in the end are more likely to be dance card pen­cils (typ­cally held on a chain around the neck of the lady) and pro­ba­bly post-​WWII. Prior to WWII it was more com­mon to house the pen­cil in a SILVER pen­cil holder/​extender which was more decorate.

    The other pen­cils with the more usual ends could be eit­her bridge or dance card pencils.

    1920s onwards: Often dance cards would be pla­ced into a dance card hol­der (owned by yours­elf). This hol­der would often be a small lea­ther wal­let type case with eit­her a space in the spine

    Bridge pen­cils would hardly ever be marked with the manu­fac­tu­rer as this would be more pro­min­ently dis­played on the case (eit­her lea­ther or in a card­board box). They are typi­cally 8-​10cm long and are always cir­cu­lar in cross sec­tion. Oddly enough they are always sold in sets of four, but despite bridge being a four player game, only two would be used at once … one per­son from each part­ner­ship would record the score. Typi­cally the set of pen­cils would eb pro­vi­ded by the host.

    A simi­lar game whist does not have fixed part­ner­ships and typi­cally each player would bring his/​her own pen­cil to record scores as play­ers would each move in dif­fe­rent direc­tions around the hall. As you nee­ded your own pen­cil or pen you would not buy a set of the rela­tively expen­sive bridge pen­cils as a regu­lar pen­cil would suf­fice and cost a frac­tion of the bridge set.

    If I had to label the two wit­hout loops, I would pro­ba­bly mark them as bridge pen­cils. As they attrac­ted a pre­mium price (I recall a set of 4 cos­ting £8 for nice loo­king set in a card­board dis­play case in the 1990s) as usually were tip­ped in metal until recent years to try and jus­tify the premium.

  6. Ian, thank you for your very com­pe­tent, detailed and infor­ma­tive com­ment. It is very exci­ting to hear about the con­nec­tions bet­ween pen­cils and social acti­vi­ties like dancing and card games. One could almost build up some kind of cul­tu­ral history (at least par­ti­ally) on spe­cial pencils!

  7. The more I get to learn about the history and dif­fe­rent uses of pen­cils in past deca­des, the more I come to app­raise them.

    Can only begin to ima­gine what life was when the pen­cil was not a „com­mo­dity“ as in today’s world, but a first neces­sity item or even a fashion state­ment come the turn of the past century.

  8. Dear Lexi­cal writer,

    I am Tham from SOWI S.H Co.,Ltd Vietnam,
    It is very plea­sed to know your com­pany can sup­ply pen­cil pro­ducts which we are loo­king for.
    Taking this chance, please be briefly intro­du­ced our­sel­ves as SOWI S.H Co.,Ltd loca­ted at 175 Thoai Ngoc Hau street, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dis­trict, Hoch­i­minh City – Viet­nam. http://www.sowigstar.vn. Our com­pany has been estab­lished since 1995 and We are spe­cia­li­zed in sta­tio­nery and We are import­ing many kinds of sta­tio­nery pro­ducts such as black pen­cils ,color pen­cils from China/​India and now we are con­cer­ned about the high qua­lity pen­cils of your fac­tory. As you know, there were some high qua­lity pen­cils in Viet­nam such as the Staedt­ler brand of Ger­many , KOH -I- Noor brand of Czech Repu­blic etc. And now, we would like to direct work with your com­pany on the prin­ci­ple of mutual bene­fit. Please kindly give us the best FOB quo­ta­tion for items as below:

    1. Black pen­cil: from 2B to 8B
    2. Color pen­cils: 12, 18, 24, 36 colors

    We are loo­king for­ward to hea­ring from you soon.

    Have a nice week ahead,
    Thanks and best regards,
    Sowi SH Co.,Ltd

  9. Dear Tham ngo,

    Thank you for your inquiry but this is a per­so­nal, non-​commercial web­log, and I don’t sell pencils.


    Gun­ther Schmidt

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