Kurz notiert

Nach­trag vom 8.10.14: Bemer­kens­werte Details zur Tomoe­gawa Co., dem Her­stel­ler des „Tomoe River“-Papiers, gibt es unter „Tomoe River Paper“ bei pen­cils and other things.

  1. Nein, ich bekomme nichts für diese Emp­feh­lung.

8 Kommentare zu „Kurz notiert“

  1. Pen­cil Talk has been off­line for some time now. I wish the site would come back on even if there are no new posts! It’s such a great resource page. Howe­ver it is still pos­si­ble to look up things in it by goog­ling „pen­cil talk tech­no­graph“ etc.

  2. Yes, pen­cil talk is a great resource, and I haven’t noti­ced it only recently that the main page – and with it the search func­tion – isn’t acces­si­ble any lon­ger (for­t­u­na­tely direct links still work). I too hope that it will come back!

  3. Jet­pens has added some new pro­ducts based on Tomoe River paper, very recently. Such as an A5 note pad with 30 pages. 

    This Kick­star­ter cam­paign with spe­ci­ally marked pen­cils is a great idea. I was won­de­ring: Are these pen­cils really made in the UK or is it only the prin­ting of the mileage on the pen­cils? Pen­cil manu­fac­tu­ring requi­res an eco­nomy of scale. How small can a fac­tory be?

  4. Thank you for the details about JetPen’s Tomoe River offe­rings – it is great to see that the num­ber of pro­ducts with that paper is incre­asing. Re Tomow River: I am curr­ently enjoy­ing the Hobo­ni­chi Memo Pad, also made of Tomoe River paper. It is 140mm × 95mm, thread stit­ched, has 48 pages with micro-​perforation and fits nicely not only in the back pocket of the Techo cover but also in the shirt pocket. And for 180 Yen each (about 1.30 Euro) it’s a real bargain!

    Since the cam­pai­gners state „The pen­cil will be pro­du­ced by one of the last remai­ning pen­cil man­ufacturers in Eng­land, Cham­bers pen­cils, a 90 year old family run busi­ness“ I assume that the pen­cil is really manu­fac­tu­red in the UK. Howe­ver, since there are only seven days left and just 58% of the goal achie­ved it doesn’t look like the cam­paign is successful.

  5. After a few busy days I’m quite behind with fol­lo­wing sta­tio­nery blogs (even more behind with updating my own one) and just saw your post now. I believe that pen­cil talk is only tem­po­r­a­rily off­line. I did cont­act Ste­phen early Sep­tem­ber when his site dis­played an error mes­sage. He then fol­lo­wed this up and I believe the pro­blems were cau­sed by some hos­ting issues. I think pen­cil talk will be online again in the future, but it might take quite a while as Ste­phen is rather busy.

  6. Thank you for that detail. A few days ago I have been in cont­act with Ste­phen too and lear­ned the same, and I hope his web­log will return com­ple­tely (you can still visit his web­logs via direct links but not through the main page).

  7. Danke fuers Link! Mind if I add your comm­ents on the Hobo­ni­chi Memo Pad to the Tomoe River mas­ter post?

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