Zur Dekoration: Der Farbstift Nr. 10 aus dem Landkartenstift-Set LYRA-ORLOW № 2736
Dieses Durcheinander feiert heute sein zehnjähriges Bestehen. Vielen Dank an meine Leser für das anhaltende Interesse, die zahlreichen Anregungen und die rege Teilnahme per Kommentar und E-Mail!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum runden Geburtstag! Auf weitere 10 Jahre!
Happy birthday! Growing stronger by the day. Time for celebration.
Ich gratuliere uns!
(ein Bleistift mit 1111 habe ich schon gefunden ;)
Ich stolpere immer wieder gerne hier rein.
Keep on bloggin‘!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :-)
Where have the years gone? Congratulations, and as Julie said, looking forward to the next ten years!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Congratulations, Gunther, and thanks for all of the hard work you’ve generously shared with all of us!
Congratulations, Gunther, on ten years of dedication to beautiful tools for writing. And beautiful photographs!
ui, yeah, glückwunsch!
auf die nächsten zehn jahre und allezeit abbruchfreies anspitzen! :)
Happy birthday!
Is not easy for a blog to be alive for ten years. Congratulations!
I’m just getting to know your blog but wow! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary!
Vielen Dank an alle für die Wünsche und die sehr netten Worte!
Many thanks to all for the wishes and the very kind words!
Nachträglich alles Gute zum 10-jährigen Blog-Geburtstag, ich freu mich über jeden Artikel.
Vielen Dank, das freut mich sehr!
Congratulations! Know that you have a reader (and a fan of Kisho!)
supporting you here in Japan.
Thank you very much for you congratulation and for supporting both Kisho and me, Yumiko!
Gunther, I am late for everything, including this party… Congratulations on an awesome 10 years! As someone said above, it’s all the more amazing since you’ve kept it up with such consistently high-quality content. Please keep educating us :D
Sola, thank you for your congratulation and your kind words! But to be honest it’s not entirely high-quality – there were many silent weeks, and quite a few posts are very short. Anyway, I’ll continue doing my best! :-)
Sorry I’m late, but congratulations on the anniversary! Here’s to another couple of decades of Lexikaliker!
Thank you, Koralatov!