Mit über 500 km/h so ruhig und leise durch die Luft gleiten, dass selbst ein Bleistift auf der Armlehne stehen bleibt? Die Vickers Viscount mit vibrationsfreien Propellerturbinen von Rolls Royce machte es möglich und die Trans-Australian Airlines 1954 daraus eine Reklame.
Danke an Herbert R. für die Scans!
Ah, the good old Vickers Viscount, yet another example of British aircraft manufacturers‘ fondness for alliteration (such as the Handley Page Herald, or its bigger brother, the Vickers Vanguard). When I was a lad their whining from the four Rolls Royce Dart turboprops was a common sound; British Airways and British Midland both operated this type from Heathrow for short-haul flights until around 1981 or 1982.
Thanks for posting!
Bruce, thank you for sharing your memories! I am happy to hear that this advertising evokes pleasant ones. – I am also fond of alliterations so I like the name too (besides that, its much more appealing than a plain number).