10 Kommentare zu „Ramponiert (2)“

  1. It is good pen­cils are made of biode­gra­da­ble mate­rial. When lost out­side they will return to dust. I won­der if some ani­mal che­wed on part of it to increase the speed of decom­po­si­tion. A great pic­ture that makes you won­der about many dif­fe­rent aspects!

  2. Thank you for your kind words! I have enjoyed the light and the shades of grey. – I am not sure how biode­gra­da­ble the lac­quer and the glue are but for the most part a pen­cil will indeed return to dust. Yes, it really looks as if an ani­mal has che­wed on this pen­cil because its ends don’t look like the result of lying around on road metal (by the way, Kisho went past this pen­cil wit­hout recog­nizing it).

  3. Fifty shades for pen­cil lovers! Did you res­cue this one too? I think lost pen­cils would make an inte­res­t­ing series. Thus I hope you will add new edi­ti­ons in the future.

  4. „Fifty shades for pen­cil lovers“ is great :-) No, I haven’t res­cued this one alt­hough a coll­ec­tion with found pen­cils came to my mind shortly after I have seen it. About ten found and dama­ged pen­cils, arran­ged neatly and framed may look appe­al­ing (but could require months, if not years to com­plete). Howe­ver, for such a coll­ec­tion I should not have shar­pe­ned the Noris but leave it as it is; bes­i­des that, I should rather con­trol my coll­ec­ting urges ;-) Of course I will show more if I find some.

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