Kurz notiert

6 Kommentare zu „Kurz notiert“

  1. Thank for the update on Lamy. I was not aware of it. What is your opi­nion on the take over by Mitsu­bi­shi Pen­cil Co? It could be a great match bet­ween fasci­na­ting, inno­va­tive design and excel­lent inks. Ger­many meets Japan. I am very curious what this com­bi­na­tion will bring in the future. To be continued ..

  2. Wow­ter, thank you for your com­ment. I take a posi­tive view of the take­over and hope for pre­cis­ely this com­bi­na­tion – out­stan­ding design from Lamy and excel­lent ink from Mitsubishi/uni. With the right approach, this new phase can be a great suc­cess for both com­pa­nies! – Spea­king of ink: A few days ago Mitsubishi/uni has announ­ced a new vari­ant of their very popu­lar Jet­stream ink, namely the Jet­stream Lite touch ink. I can’t wait to try it out!

  3. What good news. Even bet­ter inks! I noti­ced Mitsu­bi­shi Pen­cil Com­pany is diver­si­fy­ing a lot. New mar­kets like bat­te­ries, recy­cled wood and sur­gi­cal inks. Maybe new other tech­no­logy to com­bine with pencils/pens in the future. The evo­lu­tion of the pen pro­gres­ses. I am enjoy­ing it.

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