
Da eini­gen Lesern der letzte Bei­trag zu lang war, gibt es heute einen kurzen.


Die inkor­rek­ten Pro­por­tio­nen bitte ich zu ent­schul­di­gen. (Träfe man diese Kom­bi­na­tion in der Natur an, wäre der Blei­stift etwa 5,70 m lang und 25 cm dick, womit es der Giraffe recht schwer fal­len dürfte, ihn zu benutzen.)

Vie­len Dank an Bak­tasch für den giraffe-steno!

10 Kommentare zu „Giraffe“

  1. I have loo­ked for them after rea­ding your com­ment, and I like them. The alli­ga­tor clips look great too. By the way, I alre­ady have the dog clips :-) – I assume that your son has quite a few sharks in dif­fe­rent styles ;-)

  2. You are wel­come Gun­ther! I do hope that you like the KIN giraffe Steno. In my opi­nion the old KIN pen­cils are somehow mys­te­rious and special.

  3. Yes, I like this pen­cil – thank you again! Yes, for me these old Koh-​I-​Noor pen­cils are some­thing spe­cial too. Do you know the „Blacksun“? Its name is unu­sual, and like the „giraffe“ it also has an appe­al­ing lettering.

  4. They are quite easy to find – they must have been pro­du­ced in large quan­ti­ties for the for­mer GDR; like the „giraffe“ they have the imprint „EVP“ (Ein­zel­han­dels­ver­kaufs­preis).

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