… mit einem Lächeln!

Für das Schrei­ben und Zeich­nen mit einem Lächeln diente Gil­bert & Blanzy-Poure im Jahr 1959 mit die­ser etwa 24 × 32 cm gro­ßen Anzeige seine mecha­ni­schen und Holz­blei­stifte, Kugel­schrei­ber und Blei­stift­mi­nen der Marke „Cri­te­rium“ an.

Anzeige von Gilbert & Blanzy-Poure (1959)

Wie die her­vor­ra­gende Web­site Lead­hol­der infor­miert, brachte die fran­zö­si­sche Gil­bert Pen­cil Co. 1939 auto­ma­ti­schen Blei­stift „Cri­te­rium“ auf den Markt und hatte damit solch gro­ßen Erfolg, dass „Cri­te­rium“ in Frank­reich zum Syn­onym für den mecha­ni­schen Blei­stift wurde. – Gil­bert schloss sich 1945 mit dem Schreib­ge­rä­te­her­stel­ler Blanzy-Poure zu Gil­bert & Blanzy-Poure und 1960 mit Conté zu Conté-Gilbert zusam­men; 1979 kaufte BIC das Unternehmen.

Anzeige von Gilbert & Blanzy-Poure (1959)

BIC hat auch heute noch Blei­stifte im Sor­ti­ment, dar­un­ter die holz­ge­fass­ten Gil­bert 33 und Cri­té­rium 550, deren Namen an die Geschichte der Firma erin­nern, sowie den klas­si­schen 2,0-mm-Fallminenstift Cri­te­rium 2603, den es in Metall- und Kunst­stoff­aus­füh­rung gibt. – Für Bespre­chun­gen die­ser Stifte ver­weise ich gerne auf pen­cil talk.

6 Kommentare zu „… mit einem Lächeln!“

  1. Thank you for your com­ment. To me, the shadows make it three-dimensional wit­hout any show­i­ness, and the crea­tion of a cha­rac­ter from squared paper is very creative.

  2. When I first laid eyes on the Gil­bert Cri­te­rium 2603 lead hol­der, I imme­dia­tely fell in love with it. The alu­mi­num body in a mirror-finish was dif­fi­cult to ignore. Later I found out to my dis­grace that Gil­bert pen­cils were a tiny bit less than impos­si­ble to find in Mexico, and quite hard to find in the US. For some odd reason, aside from BIC, per­fu­mes and alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges, the American-folk seem quite non-receptive of French pro­ducts -think cars.

    Many years later, I mana­ged to get my hands on a lovely set con­tai­ning a 1950’s era 2603 lead hol­der, with a set of Cri­te­rium HB leads, a com­pa­n­ion Cri­te­rium Bille ball­point and an spare refill. Now, I can die a happy man. These items have really increased my enjoy­ment of lead hol­ders, gra­phite and even ball points. The Cri­te­rium leads per­form extre­mely well and seem to be quite well mixed and made. No grit and a put a slightly dar­ker line than com­pa­ra­ble Ger­man leads, yet the feel on paper is quite uni­que and satisfying.

    A cou­ple months ago, I deci­ded to ven­ture into the modern inter­pre­ta­tion of this lead hol­der by purcha­sing a rather expen­sive, cur­rent ver­sion of this lead hol­der that I could only find in Canada, now under the BIC name. It was an utter dis­ap­point­ment. Despite the fact that it is made in Japan, the new lead hol­der feels fra­gile, and unsub­stan­tial. Not­hing quite like a UNI or a Japanese-made Tur­quoise. More like one of those cheap Zebra Cadooz­les pen­cils that are aimed at ele­men­tary kids. Which is quite a shame, for such a mar­ve­lous design.

    The HB lead it comes with, is way dar­ker, but has a touch of grit, so not­hing really ama­zing to write home about, spe­ci­ally if you compare it to Caran, Uni, Faber or Staedt­ler leads. The only bit really remi­nis­cent of the 1950’s ver­sion, is the clip, which is an updated ver­sion of the one fit­ted to the ball­point. Other­wise, we can’t talk about the same item. Safe to assume this lead hol­der died early in the begin­ning of this century.

    By the way, spea­king of said ball­point, a fri­end of mine said that it was pretty much use­l­ess by now. And it was. Both refills on the set, had long since dried up and there are no repla­ce­ments for these pens any­more. Yet, I mana­ged to dis­as­sem­ble the pen, remove the inner spring, and fit a modern day Schmidt Easy­Flow 9000 G2-style refill. And now, I’ve got the world’s first and only retractable-ballpoint that needs a cap! ;)

    Also of note, is that if you compare the 2608 lead hol­der side by side with a Caran d’Ache Fix­pen­cil 884, it is pretty much the same design. Won­der why?

  3. Guil­lermo de la Maza, thank you for that very detail­led account! I’m glad to hear that you were able to find an old Cri­te­rium 2603 lead hol­der and can ima­gine your joy at it. The new ver­sion (I have one) is indeed light and cheap, and there is no fun in using it. You have a real gem!

    It’s also great to hear how good the ball­point is. You don’t hear that too often either!

    As for your ques­tion: I don’t know – per­haps there was once a collaboration.

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