100 Jahre NORICA

Heute vor 100 Jah­ren wurde die Marke „NORICA“ für STAEDTLER eingetragen.

100 Jahre NORICA

J.S. STAEDTLER “Norica” 6045 (1920er Jahre), STAEDTLER norica 132 46 (aktu­elle Pro­duk­tion1)

(Hier stand ursprüng­lich, dass der Name „Norica“ auf den gleich­na­mi­gen Stamm zurück­geht, der im 11. Jahr­hun­dert die Ansied­lung Norim­berga (auch „Noren­berg“) auf dem Burg­berg gegrün­det hat und dar­aus die Stadt Nürn­berg ent­stand. Nach einem Kom­men­tar habe ich die Quelle dafür gesucht, aber nicht mehr wie­der­ge­fun­den; ich kann daher nicht aus­schlie­ßen, dass meine Infor­ma­tion falsch ist.) – Seit 1972 ist die Marke inter­na­tio­nal geschützt.

Danke an Wow­ter für den aktu­el­len norica!

  1. Her­ge­stellt in Thai­land.

12 Kommentare zu „100 Jahre NORICA“

  1. You are more than wel­come! These just an exo­tic, I noti­ced while shop­ping ;). Why Staedt­ler sells Norica here in The Net­her­lands I don’t under­stand. It might be the retailer bought these pen­cils abroad from a fore­clo­sure sale. Some NL firms spe­cia­lise in such bar­gains. They don’t have a sta­ble regu­lar assort­ment. Hard to believe: 5 pen­cils for 1,69€. Fight­ing very poor qua­lity with these. I know which I pre­fer: Staedt­ler. Do you know what wood was used to make these, Gunther?

  2. Thank you for your com­ment and the details, Wow­ter! I assume these were meant for the US mar­ket (I have some norica pen­cils from the USA with fer­rule and black lac­quer but wit­hout item num­ber); STAEDTLER Ger­many doesn’t offer Norica items. Five pen­cils for 1.69€ is really a very low price! – The wood looks like white fir (Abies con­co­lor) to me.

  3. Thank you for the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the most likely used spe­cies. My coll­ec­tion of spe­cial wood is get­ting bigger ;).

  4. I’m happy to hear that! – Regar­ding wood coll­ec­tion: Until 2012 the STAEDTLER Noris 120 was made of cedar but there were also ones made of jel­utong (I assume that this wood was cho­sen because cedar was not available at the time). After that, there was a switch to white fir but cedar was also used from time to time (pos­si­bly for the same reason why jel­utong was used), and at the begin­ning of 2023 STAEDTLER swit­ched to upcy­cled wood. So it’s pos­si­ble to have the Noris 120 in four dif­fe­rent woods (if you gene­rously count upcy­cled wood as wood), and if you don’t mind adding a Noris 122 which is curr­ently made of lin­den wood you have five ;-)

  5. I recently noti­ced Norica pen­cils are curr­ently sourced from China (men­tio­ning: Made in China on their pack­a­ging). Good qua­lity under sur­veil­lance of Staedt­ler. A new stra­tegy to cater for less expen­sive pen­cils. Estab­li­shing a new ‘sta­tus quo’ ..

  6. Thank you for that addi­tio­nal detail! I’m happy to hear that STAEDTLER has such good qua­lity assu­rance in pro­duc­tion abroad. I’m sure there will be many peo­ple who are happy about these inex­pen­sive alter­na­ti­ves to the pen­cils made by STAEDTLER in Ger­many but I hope that this doesn’t lead to cannabilisation.

  7. It’s a shame that the cur­rent Norica is so bland com­pared to the ori­gi­nal. The ori­gi­nal has a lot of charm in its imprint, and the red/​gold colour­way is lovely.

  8. You’re right – the cur­rent Norica is quite bland but with the choice of font it matches the other STAEDTLER pen­cils. This gives them a con­sis­tent appearance, which can also be an advan­tage. – When I look at some old pen­cils, I some­ti­mes get the impres­sion that many of them have been indi­vi­du­ally desi­gned; maybe that’s what makes them so appe­al­ing (and some cur­rent ones so boring).

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