22 Kommentare zu „Ein Dutzend STAEDTLER MARS LUMOGRAPH 2886 B“

  1. Sehr schoene Bil­der! Und jedes­mal wie­der, wenn ich „Made in Bava­ria“ Stifte sehe frage ich mich, wieso sich die Mit­tel­fran­ken frei­wil­lig als Bay­ern bezeich­net haben.

  2. Danke! :-) Zum Bayerisch-Fränkischen Sach­ver­halt kann ich mich lei­der über­haupt nicht äußern, und was das Alter der Stifte angeht, so habe ich nur eine sehr grobe Schät­zung parat. Wenn ich rich­tig infor­miert bin, kam der blaue MARS LUMOGRAPH 2886 Anfang der 1930er Jahre auf den Markt, und das Reichs­pa­tent­amt, bei dem ein „D.R.P.“ (Deut­sches Reichs-Patent) ein­ge­tra­gen wurde, schloss 1945; die gezeig­ten Blei­stifte dürf­ten also etwa 70 ±5 Jahre alt sein.

  3. Kent, thanks for your com­ment. No, I haven’t shar­pe­ned one of these yet but ano­ther one of about the same age and with a dif­fe­rent hard­ness grade a while ago. Alt­hough old and pos­si­bly not stored pro­perly all the time it was of excel­lent qua­lity. – You can see an old EX-EXB here, the pre­de­ces­sor of the EE respec­tively 8B.

    By the way: Thank you for your detailed and infor­ma­tive post about the Lumo­graph 100!

  4. A fri­end of mine just recently found me one of these pen­cils, but ins­tead of „Made in Bava­ria“, it says Ger­many and it doesn’t have any DRP mar­kings. I assume it’s a later varia­tion of this par­ti­cu­lar pencil.

    Any idea of when they stop­ped pro­du­cing the 2886 model?

  5. The DRP (Deut­sches Reichs-Patentamt, Ger­man patent office) clo­sed in 1945 so your pen­cil has been made after 1945. Can you find a relief embos­sing? This is a pro­duc­tion code and can give a hint on the pro­duc­tion date.

  6. Hello, very inte­res­t­ing website :)
    My son is young, enthu­si­a­stic gra­phite pen­cil coll­ec­tor. He has got 2886-series Lumo­graph with „DRP“ mark. Fol­lo­wing your expl­ana­ti­ons above I con­sider it dated not later than 1945. There’s an embos­sing on a backside: *63. Does it allow more exact dating ?

  7. You can seen an inte­res­t­ing detail that show their age, the „sand­wich“ of wood is cut with 2 of the hex angles where the two slats joins (does that makes sense ?).
    New pen­cils are cut with flat sides where the slats joins, to save on wood, but appar­ently the machi­nes from that era weren’t able to do that. I need to inves­ti­gate the mat­ter a little deeper !

  8. Matt, this is a very inte­res­t­ing obser­va­tion! By the way, the new way to cut the pen­cils was accom­pa­nied by a reduc­tion in dia­me­ter, and in the end it was pos­si­ble to get one more pen­cil per sand­wich. – I’m eager to hear about your fur­ther investigations!

  9. I rea­lize part of my com­ment is miss­ing, but you got the mea­ning anyway :)
    I was say­ing that cut­ting the pen­cils on the „flat“ side allow more space saving (gene­rally accom­pa­nied by a pen­cil dia­me­ter reduc­tion too) than cut­ting on the edge (makes sense, just line some pen­cils on their flat side and compare with pen­cils lined on the edge).
    Pro­ba­bly newer machine allow tigh­ter tole­ran­ces while cut­ting, so the „cut“ can be made finer. Pen­cils still taking advan­tage of new technology ?

    Unfort­u­na­tely I didn’t find much about that…I think Charles Berolz­hei­mer from Cal Cedar could be more specific.

  10. These are inte­res­t­ing aspects! I have thought about asking Fr. Ehr­hardt, a sup­plier of machi­nes for pen­cil pro­duc­tion, about that. I’m sure they know more but of course it could be pos­si­ble that they don’t dis­c­lose all details.

  11. I don’t speak Spa­nish so I hope the machine trans­la­tion of your ques­tion is cor­rect. You have asked what degree of hard­ness Ex-ExB cor­re­sponds to on the scale with B, HB, F etc.

    ExExB was ren­a­med to EE which in turn was ren­a­med to 8B (there was also ExB which became EB and later 7B). In con­trast to the other soft gra­des, 8B and 7B con­tai­ned car­bon black. In 2015 STAEDTLER announ­ced the Mars Lumo­graph range exten­sion which exten­ded the range of the Mars Lumo­graph by four gra­des, namely 7H, 8H, 9H and 9B. The gra­des 7B and 8B no lon­ger con­tain any car­bon black (the new grade 9B of course not eit­her). In addi­tion to that, the new Mars Lumo­graph Black was intro­du­ced. It is available in 2B, 4B, 6B and 8B, and all gra­des have a high car­bon black con­tent. The old hard­ness grade 8B with car­bon black the­r­e­fore lives on in the Mars Lumo­graph Black, and the old hard­ness grade 7B, also with car­bon black, has dis­ap­peared with this range exten­sion (of course the Mars Lumo­graph Black 8B is not neces­s­a­rily iden­ti­cal to the old Mars Lumo­graph 8B).

    It was (is?) dis­pu­ted whe­ther more than a ren­aming of EE took place, i. e. whe­ther the for­mula was also chan­ged, but accor­ding to STAEDTLER this was not the case. – See also “The hunt for the EE grade pen­cil” at pen­cil talk.

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